SAICS - Our History
In response to a growing number of parents throughout Saskatchewan who wanted to provide their children with a Christian education, the early 1980s saw the rise of many independent church schools. Along with those who were home-schooling their children already, representatives from these schools met in June 1983, to create a vehicle that would promote the objectives and protect the freedoms of this group. This resulted in the establishment of the Saskatchewan Association of Independent Church Schools (SAICS). SAICS began to work with the Saskatchewan government to develop regulations and policies that would grant legal status to independent church schools and allow them to educate their students from a Biblical worldview while ensuring academic achievement of Saskatchewan Education's curricula outcomes.
Over the 35+ years it has operated, SAICS:
- has acted as a liaison between independent church schools, government, and the public.
- participated as a member of the 1989 Ministers' Advisory Board to recommend regulations and policies for the operation of independent schools in Saskatchewan; the result of which was the adoption of such as well as the creation of the Independent Schools Branch of Saskatchewan Education.
- completed comparative studies between provincial curricula and the Christian resources used by member schools to ensure achievement of required objectives/outcomes.
- researched and continues to research various Christian resources to verify their capability for use in an individualized learning system.
- has also developed its own Christian resources to facilitate learning in an individualized, multi-grade learning system and ensure achievement of provincial objectives/outcomes.
- lobbied successfully for "Qualified Independent School" status and corresponding partial funding.
- continues to work with government to ensure parents can have their children educated in Christian schools that will strengthen their individual faith and prepare them for a future of service to their communities and beyond.
STATEMENT Of Faith And Practice
Founded as a Christian organization, we believe:
- that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
- in one God, eternally existent as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who created man by a direct, immediate act.
- in the pre-existence, incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, miraculous acts, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, ascension to Heaven, and second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- that man is a fallen creature, sinful by nature, and in need of regeneration by the operation of the Holy Spirit through grace alone, and in the resurrection of all to either eternal life or eternal death.
- in the spiritual relationship of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, living a life of righteous works, separated from the world, witnessing of His saving grace through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
- that the church is authorized by parents to provide their children with an education that will strengthen their individual Christian faith and prepare them for a future of service to their communities and beyond.
Membership in SAICS is open to:
- representatives from Christian day-schools operated by a local church in the province of Saskatchewan (Class A)
- representatives from other Christian schools operating in the province of Saskatchewan (Class A.1)
- the Accelerated Christian Education representative for the province of Saskatchewan (Class A.2)
- parents who are in sympathy with the aims and objectives of the association and who are educating their children at home (Class B)
- churches or individuals in the province of Saskatchewan that are in sympathy with the aims and objectives of the association (Class C)
As of January 2019, SAICS has eight member schools, all of which use an individualized, multi-grade system of learning.
- Almond Tree Christian Academy, Canora
- Grace Christian School, Saskatoon
- Legacy Christian Academy, Saskatoon
- LifeWay Christian Academy, Saskatoon
- Morning Star Christian Academy, Regina
- Prairie Christian Academy, Saskatoon
- Regent Christian Academy, Prince Albert
- World Revival Preparatory School, Prince Albert
- Northeast Christian Academy, Melfort
COURSE Materials

SAICS has developed Christian curriculum (where none other was available) to match Saskatchewan Learning objectives for high school courses.
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